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GB Fine Cheese & Charcuterie December 2015

GB Fine Cheese & Charcuterie December 2015

From selling and serving cheese to writing about it, over the years I have had one question put to me more than any other.   “What is your favorite cheese?” Often, my answer has been, “the one in front of me.”   But although it has often been politic to mention one cheese or another, in truth it is a very dif - cult question to answer. In fact, rather than committing to a speci c cheese—there are so many that I love after all—it’s easier to say a speci c category of cheese that I love. In that regard, the cheeses that I think of the most when I’m hungry for a piece of cheese, especially at this time of year, are hearty mountain cheeses, mostly from the Alpine regions. Of these, Beaufort might be my favorite, but maybe that’s because I don’t have it as often, and one doesn’t always find it in the shops. At any rate, I thought it worthy of discussion and this month’s Passport to Fine Cheese (page 5) is dedicated to this monumental cheese. 

As we are preparing for the trade shows that will begin soon after the New Year, starting with Fancy Food in January, I thought it might be helpful to re-visit the topic of doing a trade show. It seems easy enough—start at one end and start walking—and yet many inexperienced buyers come away having missed a lot, run out time, or over extended themselves and didn’t make the most of the show. After many years, and hundreds of trade shows, I’ve learned a thing or two—and developed methods of work- ing a show—that I pass on here in “Mile of Aisles.” 

This is our final issue of 2015, and everyone here is looking forward to the holidays and spending time with our families and friends. I hope every- one ends on a high note, as far as sales are concerned, and I want to extend my sincere wishes for a very happy and prosperous 2016. We hope to see many of you in the aisles of the Moscone Center next month in San Francisco, at the Winter Fancy Food Show. Happy New Year to all. 

James Mellgren, Managing Editor 

Fine Cheese & Charcuterie 


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